Hi, I’m Amanda Craven, bestselling author, product creator, teacher and marketer for the past 19 years (yikes!)
And today we’re going to talk about building a list.
Because chances are you don’t have one yet…
Or you have a tiny one that ignores you…
Or even a bigger list that barely knows you exist.
You might even be staring at this page wondering what I mean by ‘a list.’
You are not alone
Most people don’t know how to build the only list you want:
A responsive list.
A list of buyers.
A list of people who hang on your every word and love every offer you put in front of them.
But I do.
And I’m here to help you do exactly that so you too can have your very own ATM aka that responsive list…
Without doing all that stuff that other marketers tell you to do.
Stuff like ‘just build a landing page, offer them a freebie and they will come…’ (they won’t and if they do, they won’t stay)
Or suggesting you spend hours, days and weeks blogging, posting on social media and putting out amazing content here, there and everywhere…
Only to get very little – if any – reward for your efforts…
When there are faster, better and far easier ways to build that rabid list of buyers you want.
OK, maybe not rabid…
But certainly super engaged right from the start.
I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way
So engaged they’re eager to snap up that thing that turns them instantly from a mere freebie-seeker to a buyer…
And no, I’m not suggesting you need to create a product or launch a course either.
These are methods I stumbled across through trial and a lot of error.
Methods that stopped me staring exhausted at my screen every day wondering why no-one wanted my 30 page freebie report or shiny video course giveaway or, even if they did, why they ignored me from then on.
I knew there had to be an easier way.
One that worked.
The Results Were Miraculous
One that actually had cash flooding into my accounts whenever I sent out an email like all those other marketers promised.
But the problem was, I was running out of time.
Not to mention energy.
And hope.
So, with nothing left to lose I decided to ditch all the conventional ‘wisdom’ and do things my way.
I started to experiment.
And the results were nothing short of miraculous.
The Subscribers Came Pouring In
You see, once I turned things on their head and followed my gut instinct, those subscribers came pouring in and so did that cash.
Because I took things from a whole new perspective.
One that focused on the only people who mattered and gave them exactly what they both wanted and needed.
Things started to fall into place almost magically.
Each time I tried a new strategy that followed this focus, it worked.
Today I have not one list but several…
Made up of people who love to read my emails and to snap up my offers.
What’s more, I love them back.
Not because of what they do but because of who they are…real people, just like you and me.
The Big Mistake Most People Make…
That’s the big mistake most people make – thinking of it as ‘a list’ at all.
Yes, I know that sounds counterintuitive.
Maye even crazy.
But it’s all about your approach and I’m going to teach you the exact steps to take to effortlessly pull in your own people too.
These are not airy-fairy steps based on theory.
Oh no.
These are practical steps based on my real, proven experience that work not just right now but will carry on working because they are evergreen.
And super powerful.
Did I mention fast?
They are that too because I know you need to see results quickly.
You have bills to pay. People to feed. Your own life to live.
Even dogs to walk!
You Can Do This In 6 Minutes A Day
You can do all of that in just a few minutes a day once you have the kind of list I am teaching you to build here…
Although it’s not so much you doing any building as those people flocking to build it for you.
Then you, too, will know what it’s like to take 10 or so minutes to send out an email to your adoring fans knowing that they will respond by sending cash your way.
Seriously, it’s that simple.
It means you can get on with everything else you want to do with your life rather than slaving in front of a hot laptop or staring at a flickering screen.
And you can do that knowing you are serving those people you have drawn to you.
The people who were so eager to leap on your list they didn’t even hesitate before giving you their best email.
That’s right – the one they reserve for friends and family.
Because that’s how they view you too.
As a trusted friend.
Thanks to the way I teach you to set this up…
The perfect Way To 1k (and beyond).
Trust me, you will get that right because you are benefiting from my own experience.
You’ll learn how to do this in your five module, comprehensive course delivered in an easy to follow PDF format.
This is no fluff, no filler – just pure actionable stuff you can start putting into practice today in just a few hours and see results for months and years to come.
Here’s just some of what you get:
How to borrow authority to build your own…and your list
Why twice is so much nicer…
The best way to achieve instant recognition along with tons of subscribers
How to get them loving you so they scramble to be on your list
Why getting your group groove on is vital to getting those engaged subscribers who turn into buyers
Simple things you can say and do to become irresistible to your potential subscribers…so they can’t wait to sign up!
The one thing you need to do on your site to make sure those streams of subscribers never stop coming…
And the methods that work without needing to have a site at all!
Plus something so simple you can leave it to siphon in subscribers while you sleep…
And that will take you all of 4 minutes to create for free!
Along with the secrets to my listbuilding success that have worked for years and will carry on working
The one supposedly social platform I use to generate huge lists along with masses of traffic
How to set this all up in a few hours so you can get those 1000 subscribers (or more) within 30 days (or less) easily and in just a few minutes a day

5 Easy To Follow Modules
These lay out the exact simple steps I take to build a list fast.
Quick Start Checklist
To get you going as fast as possible while making sure you don’t forget anything!
53 Page PDF
Your course laid out as a comprehensive 53 page, 8591 word PDF that you can refer to whenever you wish
Extra BONUS Training
Delivered direct to your inbox so you can really make sure you’re up to speed and sharpen your skills even more!!
But that’s not all…
Because there is something that all the most successful marketers have that really skyrockets their income.
Something that they can also simply upload and wake up to the payments that hit their accounts while they slept.
And that something is their own product.
But the problem with most PLR or white label ‘courses’ you see is that they are not only poorly written by someone who has never taught anyone anything in their life, they are not tried and tested.
All of my courses are run past beta testers before they ever get near the wider world.
They have won numerous Deals of the Day (21 at the last count) and are evergreen bestsellers for the simple reason that they work.
You will see people right here buying The Way To 1k before your eyes.
But what if you could sell it too?
What if you could have your own proven course without any of the hassle of creating it…not to mention the skill and expertise that requires?
Well, now you can because I am offering you the opportunity to invest in The Way To 1k with a white label licence.
This means you can take it, rebrand it, edit it if you wish (although there is no need – you can simply upload and go), put your name on it and rake in all the profits for yourself.
Just one sale can cover the cost of your tiny investment.
Here’s what you get with the white label licence:

Secure your copy of The Way To 1k today and start profiting from it!
One-Time Only Payment. Your Access Details Will Be Delivered To Your PayPal Email – Please Check That & Your Spam Folder.
For Support Please Contact Us At:
Your Rights
What You Can Do:
[YES] Can Brand/Author this product as your own.
[YES] Can be added to Paid (over $27 monthly) membership sites but not PLR/MRR/RR type sites with Personal Use Only.
[YES] Can be used to create additional products.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product.
[YES] Can be edited, modified or revised (including the graphics).
[YES] Can use as content on your sites.
What You Can’t Do:
[NO] Can be given away for free ( this means the entire bundle or substantial parts of it – you can use it to create lead magnets, blog posts etc).
[NO] Can claim copyright unless substantially altered (at least 60%).
[NO] Can use my name on the product or your sales pages.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell PLR to others.
[NO] Can sell MRR to others.
[NO] Can sell RR to others.
[NO] Distribute or sell the source files for any element in the package.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell on auction sites.
[NO] Can sell on the Warrior Forum, JVZoo or WarriorPlus