The Insider Lowdown Based On Real-Life Results!
I remember it well.
The confusion.
The trying one thing after another.
The desperation when nothing seemed to work.
The elation when something finally did.
You’ve probably felt all or some of that too on your own Internet Marketing journey…
You might even still be there.
Wondering what to do.
Well I can tell you the one thing you absolutely must not do…
Do Not Listen To The Gooroos!
And that’s listen to one of the far too many people out there who don’t actually know what they’re talking about.
You see them everywhere, these wannabe gooroos…
Solemnly telling you that this is how you do it.
This is the way that works.
Except they have never tried it for themselves. They’ve never tested or tweaked or run a single real campaign.
What they’re spouting to you is pure theory, probably stolen from someone else who ‘borrowed’ it from yet another person…
Who was wrong.
But what do they care? They never have to put that mumbo jumbo into practice.
All they do is take your money and carry on to create the next Bright Shiny Object.
You know the best thing you can do when it comes to Internet Marketing?
Question everything.
I Do This Stuff Every Day…
That’s what I’ve done right from the beginning.
It’s how I broke through the confusion and it’s how I learned to trust my own instincts, to always test and try and tweak.
Because I put this stuff into practice every day, not just for me but for a select band of clients.
I constantly write and send out emails, create copy, landing pages and entire campaigns.
And I’ve been doing that for years.
Not just a few weeks or months (which is all that far too many of these overnight gooroos can boast).
Lots of them.
Years of experience and hard work testing what works.
And what doesn’t.
This Is How I Support My Family…
Years spent doing that because that’s how I support my family all on my own.
How I keep us not just alive, clothed and fed but thriving.
I’m sure you want the same for yourself and your family too.
Which is why you have to stop listening to all the BS right now.
I’ve made it my mission over the last year or so to bring out a series of rock solid, evergreen guides that will help you to do that.
I’ve done it slowly and carefully rather than slapping a new one out every other day like some people I won’t even mention…
Because I only want to bring you the best of the best when I have something really valuable to say.
As my friends would tell you, I have a lot to say but I also have my own business to run…
So forgive me for not flooding you with more Bright Shiny Antidotes but to make it up to you I have been working on something I know you really need…
Something that tears down the outrageous myths, half-truths, lazy repetitions and downright lies in one of the most vital areas of marketing.
The One Thing You Need To Read Right Now
Possibly the one document you really need to read right now.
Certainly something that will not only save you a lot of wasted time and heartache…
It will make you more money.
Bottom line.
Of course I can’t say how much more money.
That would not only be unethical and against all guidelines…
It would be immoral.
Because you are not me and I am not you.
I don’t know your skillset, your circumstances or your mindset.
But what I can do is improve those.
I can give you clear steps to follow.
A blueprint to success.
Because, just like you, I am sick of the BS.
I am tired of people peddling snake oil.
Most of all, I cannot stand to see real people – not just numbers in a PayPal account but real, honest, people who simply want to improve their lives – fed false hope that simply bleeds more money from their wallets.
So take this as part of my personal stand against all of that.
And my personal mission to give you the real tools and strategies you can take to earn real money and build a real business or even just a better life.
How do I know these are real?
I use them.
Every day.
Not only do I use them, I make it another part of my mission to look around at what other leading marketers are doing.
Yes, I spy on their strategies…in the nicest possible way.
I don’t just copy and paste – that would also be unethical. As well as stupid.
Because I have to see if it works for me too.
Then, and only then, can I teach it to you.
So I know that what I am saying is not only based on my own experience, it is market-tested and backed up by the experience of some of the best marketers on the planet as well.
Real Stuff Based On Real Results
Real stuff based on real results.
Solid strategies that are battle-proven.
Are these ‘secrets’?
But they are very difficult for you to find because you probably don’t have the connections that I have made over the years…
You almost certainly don’t have the skills you need. Yet.
And – I’m making a wild guess here – you probably don’t earn as much as I do.
But I am confident that you can.
In fact, I’d be delighted if you did even better than me.
Because I also firmly believe there is room for everyone in this crazy IM world.
Especially you.
Why do I say that?
Because you’ve read this far.
You’re curious.
You want to learn more.
Those are all the qualities you need to make it.
Really make it.
Because what I am going to teach you here is one of the pillars of my own success.
If not the pillar.
It’s what many of you see me do every day.
It’s how I dominate those leaderboards time and again.
But it’s not just about leaderboards or even IM.
That’s just a fraction of what I do.
You see, I apply the same strategies to niches way outside of IM.
Markets where people are more receptive and less jaded.
So, before you ask…
Yes, this will work for everyone.
In any niche.
Rock solid. Evergreen. Real.
Because it is rock solid.
And real.
It will show you what you are doing wrong.
And how to make it right.
Expose the lies, half-truths and misinformation for what they are…
And finally set you on the road to email marketing success.
Wait a minute…isn’t email dead?
Aren’t those inboxes closing up, spam filters swallowing your messages whole, never to be seen again?
Didn’t someone just tell you that open rates have hit historic lows?
That you might as well give up and spend all your time trying to get better results on social media (good luck with that, by the way!)??
I would say something ruder there but you get the idea.
Email marketing remains – as it has always been – the best way to reach your target audience bar none.
Sure, things have changed.
But you can use those changes to your advantage.
Like I have.
You can combine them with evergreen systems and strategies.
Like I do.
A Real, Sustainable Income
To build a real, sustainable income that is low maintenance and takes just a few hours a day, if that.
Just like mine.
Or better.
So long as you are prepared to actually read and implement what I have to say.
And that’s the part that will separate the BS-seekers from those of you who really do want to succeed.
Because, in my experience, many people simply grab on to the latest thing and never even bother to download it.
So…if you’re into being blinded by BSOs or bamboozled by lazy lies then this probably isn’t for you and I wish you well.
What I am interested in is teaching those who genuinely want to succeed and have a real hunger to do so.
Those are my people.
My tribe.
And once you’re in, I consider you family.
Like family, we share our best stuff.
Believe me, you need all the support you can get in this game.
You need people who believe in you and who have your back.
It’s hard enough trying to break in when your own family are rolling their eyes at your latest crazy idea or whispering behind your back that it will never work.
I get that.
I had it too.
And I ignored it as best I could.
Because something in me told me I could make this work.
You Can Make This Work Too
The same something that tells me you can make this work too.
So if you’re up for a healthy dose of real systems and strategies all mixed up with my absolute faith in you then read on to discover what you’ve got in store…
One thing I can promise you: this does work.
All of it.
And it will carry on working for you just as it does for me.
How to instantly increase your open rate
Why copying what the gooroos are doing is the fastest way to the spam folder
The calls to action that get them clicking through to buy
The power words that actually deliver a real punch
Which words to avoid like the plague
The real-life best times to send emails
The method that can bring about a staggering 583% increase in CTR
Plus I supply fill in the blanks subject line templates
Secure your copy of The Inbox Files today and finally discover how to deploy emails that rake in cold, hard cash!
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