Monetise It Right From The Start
Want to know what all those big dogs use to build their lists?
If you don’t believe me, take a look around at their squeeze pages.
What’s that they’re offering?
You got it: their very own 5 or 7 part course delivered straight to your inbox.
Now, if it works for the big dogs – those well-known marketers, influencers and course creators – then it must be right.
You see, ecourses work brilliantly.
They work like gangbusters.
People absolutely LOVE to learn online and that desire is only growing.
But there’s one HUGE problem that many of those big marketers don’t seem to have noticed yet and that’s…
The state of email marketing.
Don’t get me wrong – email marketing is still one of the best and fastest ways to make moolah online…and a whole heap of it.
Inboxes are overflowing.
People don’t have time to read your emails, never mind an entire lesson in one.
And most important of all…
Click through rates are waaaaaay down.
Just take a look at this:

Thanks to mobile, it’s more alive than ever.
But it’s those click through rates you need to do something about…
Now, I’m known as a successful email marketer.
I feature on those affiliate leaderboards all the time.
I’m also a prolific product creator so whipping up an ecourse is an absolute breeze now I have it down to a fine art.
But I noticed that it was not only click throughs that were dropping…
Opt-ins were also plunging
The answer?
To give people something different, something of much higher perceived value than your standard ebook or ecourse.
People like their information delivered in small bites – they don’t have time to take in lengthy videos or read reams of content…
Breaking up your content into bite size chunks way and delivering it the way I teach actually increases its perceived value…
Which means happy, RESPONSIVE subscribers.
The kind who stay on your list and buy over and over again.

Knowing that they will get a big boost to their bottom line AND their profile because they are offering their own exclusive ecourses, tailored to their customers…
While you get an equally fat boost to your profits by charging them for the privilege!
It’s a win-win for everyone
Subscribers love it and they love you for providing them with an ecourse that establishes you as an instant authority in your niche.
I’ve made this so simple that…
Any of you can do this too (yes, even complete beginners!)
You see, I’ve been teaching for years – not only IM but delivering lectures, seminars and workshops to adults and young people alike.
I not only KNOW how to teach…I LOVE to teach!
And that’s why I’ve laid this out as a proper, easy to follow course with absolutely EVERYTHING you need to succeed.
Step By Step Instructions
on how to create your own cash-siphoning ecourse in only a few hours and for FREE.
Get Access To
all my best tips and resources that not even those big dog marketers know about.
Discover How You Can
take your ecourse and turn it into a full-blown product you can sell…quickly and easily!
Watch Over My Shoulder
as I show you everything you need to know in videos and comprehensive lessons.
Learn How To
establish yourself as an Instant Expert in your niche and to profit from that status.
Learn The Way You Want
this course is delivered as written and video lessons as well as downloads so you can take it all in whatever way suits you best!
Simply by following the course you learn EXACTLY how to structure your own for maximum results
And by doing so you are tapping into two of the most explosive growth areas online: email and elearning
You also get my personal multimedia approach that lets you to appeal to all learning styles – hooking everyone in to what you have to say
Nervous about creating content?
No problem.
I show you different ways to get it all done for you and for free
Through the eCash Generator, you also build a valuable asset that you can go on to sell if you wish
AND you create a hub that is safe from social media changes – build it once and send people there over and over again
Most importantly of all, by creating all this value you create raving fans and your own tribe right from the start
A tribe who will remain loyal which means you have a sustainable business – one that will last years…
Leveraging an industry that’s going to hit $275.10 Billion in sales by 2022:

But it doesn’t stop there!
You see, this is a real course – one that grows with its students, taking them ever onward to success.
I’ll be adding to it all the time, sending that value into the stratosphere…
Shooting more videos and creating more lessons for you in response to your needs.
Re-stocking that bonus section so there are more, fresh goodies for you.
Delivering the kind of value to my customers that I like to receive.
And by doing so, teaching you how to do that too.
But you need to be quick as that entry price is going up with each sale.
Lock in now and you’ll get all of this for less than the cost of a cheap dinner out…tasty but the joy is temporary…
With The eCash Generator you can make a permanent change to your life as well as your pocket!
Grab yourself a surefire way to get hordes of the right kind of subscribers…
The type who stay with you and eagerly open your messages…
To buy.