Dear Friend,
Cheesy opening?
But I like to think of you as a friend because we’re walking the same path.
I might be a little way ahead of you but that’s good…
Because it means I can reach out a helping hand.
Show you what I’ve learned along the way.
Help you over the rough bits and shake the stones from your shoes.
Even better – I can help you make more money.
Bold statement, I know…and I can’t tell you how much money.
That would be unethical and besides, I am me and you are you.
What I can do is teach you how to get there…and get there faster and easier…
Want to know the fastest, easiest way to make more money from any business?
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
After all, the more people who buy from you, the more money you make.
Which is essentially what conversion means – turning browsers into buyers.
And they’re only going to buy if you convert them from cold prospects into hot and hungry customers…
Which is easier said than done.
Easier Said Than Done…
Or Is It?
Before we get to that, I want to make it clear that I’m all about getting hands on down and dirty….
Which means I spend my time testing and tweaking and testing some more until I get the results I want from my business.
That’s because I learned long ago that what most people tell you to do is absolute baloney.
Forget half the stuff you hear or read about getting ‘killer conversions.’
In fact, forget most of it.
Get 3 Things Right…
And You Can 2 x Or Even 3 x Them!
Because what I have discovered is that it comes down to three simple things…
Three things that, if you get them right, can double or even triple your conversion rates…
Which means doubling or tripling your income…
And those three things are what I call my P.I.E. system.
But first, let’s look at the biggest mistakes people make that kill off their conversions…
You may even be making one or more of these right now:
1.You get your offer wrong
2. You get your target audience wrong
3. Your prospects do not like or trust you
4. You don’t understand why one of those two is much more important than the other…
So what does all of that mean?
In a nutshell, if you get your offer wrong you’re trying to sell something people don’t want to buy
If you get your target audience wrong then you are trying to sell to the wrong people…so they won’t buy.
If your prospects don’t like or trust you then you can offer them the moon for a dime and they still won’t buy it…
You Are Going To Get It All Wrong…
And if you don’t understand which of those two – liking or trusting – is much more important then you’re going to get it all wrong.
Which means – you guessed it – they absolutely, definitely won’t buy.
But what can you do about that?
Simple – you don’t make those mistakes in the first place.
Or, if you’ve already made them, you put them right…
And it’s Easy As P.I.E.
Or rather…Easy As Profit P.I.E.
My brand new course where I share the scientifically proven secrets that will literally allow you to control your prospect’s hearts and minds…
So they buy.
Sounds insane?
Something a mad scientist might dream up?
Not at all.
In fact, this all started in a proper laboratory in Parma, Italy.
And it involved this little guy here:
THIS Is What Makes Them Buy!
What scientists learned that day now helps marketers like you to understand how to tap into what really makes people tick…
What gets them all fired up and what makes them fall in love with you and your products, promos and services…
So they buy.
Best thing about it?
This is not rocket science.
It may have started off in that laboratory but this is so easy anyone can apply it.
Make no mistake…this might be easy but it’s incredibly powerful, in the right hands.
It’s Incredibly Powerful
Are you the right hands?
Honestly, I don’t know.
What I do know is that a fellow marketer tried to tell me what you really want is push-button stuff.
You know the kind of thing – click here and riches will fall into your lap…push this big red button and automate your entire existence…
But we both know that doesn’t work.
Although, frankly, the secrets I share with you here work just like that when you use them the way I show you.
Because they press the biggest buttons of all…
The emotional buttons.
The reasons people buy in the first place and go on buying.
Don’t believe me?
Just take a look at this:
What that chart shows is an emotional marketing campaign vs one based on logic…
Or even a combination of the two.
The result?
The emotional campaign worked twice as well as the logical one and even beat out the combined one.
Bottom line…
Emotion = more sales.
Many more sales.
You Have To Know The Buttons To Press
But you have to know which buttons to press.
And how to do that in the first place.
As well as the buttons you absolutely do not want to hit…
Or those alarm bells will ring.
Turning your prospect right off.
But it’s not just emotion – there are other factors to consider.
Like what really makes your content and social media shares go viral so they do the work for you…
And your stuff sells itself.
I can promise you it’s not what you think…
But you WILL find out what it is in Easy Profit P.I.E.
- My scientifically proven method for getting people to do what you want and BUY – this is real push button stuff
- How to identify and hit the RIGHT emotional buttons so they not only like you they also buy from you
- The one thing you need to know to have your prospects falling in like with you from the get-go…
- So they buy!
- What turns buyers on and what turns them off fast!
- How to quickly and easily get your social media to go viral so it does all the work of selling for you
- Why people buy and how this knowledge can save you a ton of time while making you a lot more money
- The secret science behind buying behavior and why it’s the opposite of what you might think works
- Easy to follow videos, PDFS and worksheets make this highly interactive but super simple to follow
- Discover the right way to use this powerful information so you get people to do what you want and keep on doing it…
- Whille avoiding the fatal mistakes so many make which can actually send buyers running in the opposite direcion
- Most importantly – how to do all of the above and more while having a lot of fun!
One thing’s for sure – you can’t argue with science.
So…are you up for the real truth behind all the mumbo jumbo?
I think so.
I think you’re the kind of intelligent marketer who understands that the whole online game has changed.
That people want to be treated as people…
And that knowing how to not only do that but really get into their minds and hearts gives you an incredible advantage.
Ready to grab that advantage?
Then click on that buy button below…
But I warn you, stick with your gut on this one and go for it now because that tiny price increases with every sale:
You may wonder why this is such a deal…
It’s simple really. I know how well this works at generating long-term, passive income as well as a quick burst of cash.
I also know that you need this which is why I want to get it into as many hands as possible at a price everyone can afford.
But this is a special launch offer that lasts for a limited time – after that, the price shoots up.
And that price is rising all the time right now because this is on dimesale so click on that buy link below now or kick yourself later:
P.S. Ever wonder how those gooroos seem to have people eating out of the palm of their gilded hands?
They know how to get them to do what they want. And keep on doing it, signing up, subscribing, responding to emails and sales letters…Buying over and over. Give yourself the advantage over the herd and get your hands on Easy Profit P.I.E. today so you too can have a real push button at your fingertips!
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