Red Hot Reviews

“How to Write Cash-Sucking Reviews That Will Generate Sales For Years to Come In 30 Minutes Or Less”
Do It Once And Profit Over & Over Again…

Red Hot Reviews


flaming-arrow-clipart-1 Do you spend hours writing product reviews only to find they flop?

flaming-arrow-clipart-1 Have you ever wondered how others make $100s and even $1000s from one review while yours seem to suck?

flaming-arrow-clipart-1 Want to learn how to generate passive income from a review it takes you only minutes to write?

Then read on.. 

My name’s Amanda Craven and if you don’t know me, I’m one of those fabled 6 figure marketers.

Yup – I generate that each and every year online without sacrificing my sanity or sweating buckets.

In fact, I often take a day just to stare at the horizon or hang out with my cats (it’s OK – I have friends and family too!)

But it hasn’t always been like that…

Red Hot Reviews

Just like you and everyone else, I struggled at first.

I stared at my keyboard rather than my cats, wondering how the heck to make a go of this internet thing.

I clicked my way around the entire world wide web, as we called it back then, trying to figure out how these people – other people – were earning good money out there…

They Slapped Up A Review…

And Watched The Cash Roll In!

And one thing I could never figure out was how some people managed to slap up reviews for products and earn not just a quick blast of cash from them…

But money that kept on coming in for months, even years…

While I would spend hours crafting my reviews only to find a tiny trickle of income at best.

Me being me, I learned the hard way (back then I wasn’t so good at reaching out for help!)

I Was Sick Of Hearing

How Easy It Was Supposed To Be

I was sick of hearing how easy it was supposed to be.

How Marketer X had scooped up the big prize on a launch thanks to his ‘killer’ review…

Or how Marketer Y was filing his nails, watching his PayPal account grow all by itself thanks to the reviews he had posted on his blog months before.

I knew this review thing worked.

I knew it was one of the fastest, easiest ways to get sales and earn big commissions.

I also knew it was a great way to do the work once and watch that money roll in.

I knew that I was better than all those scammy marketers out there putting up their oh-so-fake reviews that turned people off rather than on…

But I also knew I was doing it wrong.

So I looked around and studied all those marketers I knew for a fact were making 6 and even 7 figures from their reviews of digital and physical products.

I compared what they did to what I did.

I Changed Everything… 

And then I changed everything I did to make it work for me too.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

And it is, now that I’ve done all the hard work for you (you can thank me later)

But believe me, it took a long time to figure all that out and even longer to develop a process that now has me churning out cash-sucking reviews in minutes…

One that works right now…

That doesn’t rely on those old-fashioned, salesy, scuzzy techniques that went out with the animated, flashing arrow…

A process I am going to teach you today in…

Red Hot Reviews
My proven method for whipping up a review in minutes that will keep on earning for you for months and years to come – this is real set it and forget it stuff!
  • My proven method for whipping up a review in minutes that will keep on earning for you for months and years to come – this is real set it and forget it stuff
  • How to set yourself apart from all those scammy, scummy marketers with those fake ‘review’ sites that send people running in the other direction
  • The one thing you need to know to have your prospects eating out of your hand from the get-go…
  • So they keep reading and buy!
  • The simple steps you can follow to create a surefire winner of a review whatever the niche or type of product
  • How to quickly and easily maximize the impact of one review without any extra work!
  • No product? No problem! How to ethically review something you have never even seen
  • How to create reviews for your blog, email, social media and even video…all without breaking a sweat never mind your back
  • Examples and review template so you can simply swipe, copy and deploy
  • The right kinds of reviews for digital and physical products so you can keep all your customers happy…and more importantly, buying
  • And avoid the mistakes so many make (these can be fatal!)
  • Most importantly – how to do all of the above and more while having a lot of fun!
There Are Other Ways To Do This… 

Of course, there are other ways to come up with reviews.

You can trawl through the sellers on Fiverr and other sites and try to find someone who won’t rip you off or palm you off with the same, badly written review they supplied to the 20 people before you.

Or you can do what a lot of them do too and rip off someone else’s review (good luck with that one and I hope you have a good lawyer!)

You could buy PLR and, as a PLR creator, I’m not knocking this…except I only create PLR video reviews for a very good reason. One that you will discover inside this course.

For now, let’s just say that you’ll still have to do a ton of rewriting if you part with your hard-earned cash for the average PLR review out there. That’s if it fills your needs or is even halfway relevant to your product.

But why bother when you can turn out your own review in minutes that will earn you far more with far less hassle?

A review that you can be proud to call your own.

That has the unmistakable, irresistible stamp of you on it.

One that will actually prove to be a building block of a real income.

Money that will keep coming in for months and years to come if you follow what I teach here.

Of course, I can’t tell you how much money. That would be unethical and downright irresponsible.

But I do know that the reviews I quickly and easily create using my methods bring me in a big chunk of my income.

And I wrote some of those before some of you have ever heard the words: Internet Marketing.

Can anyone do this? Absolutely.

Even if you hate writing and think a review is something that gets conducted by an idiot boss in a J.O.B.

In fact, master this one skill and you can tell that idiot boss to go shove his J.O.B. where it hurts. Or you can put it more politely, if that’s your style.

And that’s what you also get to do here…

You get to do it your way.

Once I’ve shown you the simple steps, this becomes your baby. Or rather, your cash cow. And you get to milk it any way you like.

So if you’re up for freedom, set it and forget it income and mastery of your own destiny then click that buy button below but don’t think too long about it because that price is going up with every sale…

And time is ticking. Time you could be using to get your first or even tenth review out there and earning for you:

Red Hot Reviews

Let Me Make This Easy For You

You may wonder why this is such a deal…

It’s simple really. I know how well reviews work at generating long-term, passive income as well as a quick burst of cash.

I also know that you need this which is why I want to get it into as many hands as possible at a price everyone can afford.

But this is a special launch offer that lasts for a limited time – after that, the price shoots up. 

And that price is rising all the time right now because this is on dimesale so click on that buy link below now or kick yourself later:

Red Hot Reviews

P.S. Ever wonder how those big dawgs keep on top of the leaderboards as well as ahead of the pack?

With reviews. As do Amazon super affiliates and those millions of people out there profiting from authority and review sites. Give yourself the advantage over the herd and get your hands on Red Hot Reviews today so you can product stellar, cash-sucking reviews too!

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