25 July. A date that is etched on my soul.
That was the day I looked up from my laptop and saw my daughter hunched over her Lego, trying to play with it quietly so she didn’t disturb me.
Don’t get me wrong – playing with Lego is fine.
But not when it’s a bright, sunny day outside and we should have been doing something in that sunshine together.
Instead I was chained to that laptop (as usual), working all hours to bring in the pennies (as usual).
School was out for the summer but we didn’t even have the time or money for a proper vacation.
As for day camp: forget it.
Something had to give…
You know that moment when something snaps in your head? When you say ‘enough’?
That was mine.
I’d been thinking for a long time about creating an info product. But I was, frankly, scared.
What the hell would I write about? Who was I to teach anyone anything?
Never mind that I had years of solid professional experience and success behind me.
Life had knocked me back. I was now that single mom fighting to keep all the balls in the air…to pay the bills…and do it on my own.
I hate clichés but I had become one. And looking at my child that day was what it took to make me say: Sod it!
Sometimes a good old Brit expression like that is all you need.
Why not me? I had plenty of value to give. So do you.
The path to a 6 figure income…
That day I started on my first info product and the path that led to a comfortable 6 figure income.
Yes, just from info products.
And no, I’m not going to start bragging now about how I drive around in a Ferrari or dive into my backyard swimming pool daily…
We live in London, for heaven’s sake!
But I do now have the time to spend with my daughter whenever I like. And the money to pay those bills as well as take us on some amazing vacations.
I set my own hours and they fit around family life. The expert status I get from my products brings me in more lucrative offers all the time…
Best of all, I’ve made what I consider to be firm friends all over the world with people who’ve bought my products and changed their own lives through them.
So what’s the moral of my story here?
Simple: you can change your circumstances and really make a good living online. Hell, a great living.
Stop struggling…
You can stop being that cliché – the person still struggling (and failing) to make this internet thing work.
Or the one thrown on the scrap heap (at least in your head) because life threw them a curve ball.
You’ve all seen the plaudits I’ve gained for my products. I’ve won 6 WSOs Of The Day and hundreds of great testimonials – you can read just some of those below.
But you know what? It’s not the testimonials that make my heart sing the most although I love and am grateful for all of them…
It’s the emails from people who tell me how they’ve finally gone and done what I taught through one of my products and – often to their surprise – it really worked!
I also get emails asking me what has proved most profitable for me online and I always say:
Selling products (digital and physical)
What other business is practically zero cost?
Apart from the enormous ROI (what other business is practically zero cost?) I genuinely love it.
I love creating. Sharing my knowledge. Having the satisfaction of knowing I’ve put something out there that will help other people.
That’s why teaching like this remains my first love. It’s at the core of my business – the engine that drives the rest.
But I also know that all too often people get product creation wrong.
They buy one of those courses that tells them they can slap something together in a couple of hours, throw up a sales page and it will sell zillions.
Now, I’m not dissing those courses or their creators. They often contain the basics and some good nuggets of information.
Like you, I buy all those courses. Except in my case, I’m looking to see if they are good enough to recommend to my subscribers.
Almost always they’re not. You know why?
Because practically every single one is missing that vital element. The thing you need to follow if you’re to create your own profitable products too.
You need a blueprint…
That missing element is a roadmap. A fill-in-the-blanks blueprint you can follow.
A failsafe, foolproof, paint-by-numbers system that will take you all the way to your first (or second or third) successful info product.
A plug and play method that enables you to churn out high-quality, profitable products again and again…on autopilot… just like a machine (except it’s more fun!)
Everyone is doing this…
Just take a look around you. Everyone who’s succeeding online is creating their own products.
Marketers, coaches, consultants, Amazon and eBay sellers – they’re all doing it.
They know this is probably the best way to earn money online bar none.
That’s why you should be doing it too!
Think you’ve seen this before?
I doubt it.
You see, I create products my own way. And, as you’ve seen, that is a very successful way.
I sell them in all kinds of niches and to all kinds of people who are gagging – nay, grateful – to buy. Lots and lots.
Each and every one of those products is the result of a process I have refined over the years. A method I learned from the masters and – I have to admit – I dismissed at first.
But once I’d actually tried it…put it into action…then I realised it was genius.
Me being me, I knew I could make it even smoother and simpler. So I refined it and pared it down until I had…
The easiest, surest way to come up with not only a product but my entire sales engine quickly and easily.
Now I just plug it in, follow those simple steps and bam!
Success every time!
And here they are – my six figure secrets laid out for you in the exact order I follow them so you can replicate my success.
You’re probably asking yourself why would I do that?
Why would I share all my methods and insider tips on creating those foolproof, guaranteed to sell products super easily and speedily?
Well, that’s easy too…
You see, I got cross.
I was sick and tired of going through products that promised the same thing but didn’t deliver.
I wanted to give you everything you needed to know so that you could genuinely create your own products by doing exactly what I say.
This is like having me hanging over your shoulder telling you to do this, this and this…
My daughter might tell you I’m bossy. Actually, I just care passionately that you get it right.
The keys to freedom
That you, too, get those keys to freedom so you can unlock the door to the lifestyle you want.
Mine does not contain Ferraris and swimming pools because I don’t want or need those things. What I do have is the most priceless thing of all: peace of mind.
I can wake up in the morning and know that the roof over my head is bought and paid for and that my child has one of the best educations that money can buy (let me tell you, it costs way more than a Ferrari).
You might want different things and that’s fine. What I’m offering you here is a proven way to get them.
And because I want as many of you as possible to get what you want, I’m making this super affordable.
This information cost me thousands of dollars to learn and thousands more in trial and error…
But it’s made me 100 x more than that in income. I’d like to see you do the same without having to jump through those expensive hoops I had to.
Because I believe in giving back. What goes around comes around. And every time I see my daughter’s happy face when we’re together I’m grateful I can do this whenever I want or need.
I want you to feel the same!
You can thank me later 🙂
Actually, you don’t need to thank me because seeing you succeed is all the thanks I need. Really.
I hate all the hype and the BS that surrounds this industry. Take it from me, all you need to make it – and make good moolah – is a tried and tested system. A simple one that works.
This is that system…
A fill-in-the blanks blueprint you can follow to create your own cash-spouting product
This is the exact same blueprint I use to create winning products time after time
Discover precisely who wants to buy what you have to offer…so you can make more profit!
How to make sure that people not only LOVE your product but keep coming back for more…and more!
The best kinds of product for you to create and why you should ignore the usual advice you get from the gooroos
5 essential but easy steps to fast product creation
The one thing you must do to retain your customers and prevent those refunds
How to product your irresistible salesletter alongside your product so you work once and profit twice
Why real value is so much more important than perceived value and how to convey that to your customers so they love you even more
The simple 3 step process to researching any info product (if you really need to)
The real reason all the big-name marketers have their own info products and why you should too
EXTRA BONUS training delivered direct to your inbox!

Step By Step Videos
Sit back, relax and follow along with me as I lead you through my entire product creation process, – shortcuts, insider secrets and all!
Fill-In-The-Blanks Worksheets
Literally follow along, fill them in and you will end up with your own profitable product – no sweat, no stress – following my proven process!
Video Transcripts
That you can download, read and digest at your leisure if that’s how you prefer to learn!
MP3 Files For Easy Listening
You also get MP3 files so you can ingest all the information on the go as well as slides, bonus content and resources and much, much more!
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