Hi, I’m Amanda Craven, bestselling author, product creator, teacher and marketer for the past 20 years (yikes!)
Ever wondered how they do it?
Those people who seem to get a gazillion things done in no time at all…
Profitable things like churning out products and content and stellar promotions…
And all without apparently breaking a sweat.
Annoying, isn’t it?
Not to mention disheartening.
Because you know you should be able to do the same but the trouble is you just can’t seem to get it together…
Or even get it done.
Believe me, I understand because…
I Was Like This Too
Time was I spent days and even weeks sunk in overwhelm…
Wasting time.
Making endless cups of coffee while I thought about all the stuff I should be doing.
The stuff that would make my life so much better, not to mention my bank balance.
Spending hours and hours doing all the wrong things until one day I got sick of seeing nothing for my efforts.
(And when I say nothing I really mean a big, fat, zero)
So sick that I sat myself down and gave myself a good talking to…
Then I started to read.
I studied what the true time management masters had to teach me…
The very people who seemed to magic more out of every moment than normal folk like you and me…
The people who were way richer and more successful than I was because they knew the secrets of super productivity…
And then I put what they had to teach me into action.
You know what happened?
I Became 10 x More Productive
Which meant I instantly became 10 x more successful as well because I was actually doing the right kind of stuff in half the time.
Best part?
It was totally painless.
I didn’t work any harder – in fact, I worked less because I was so much more effective.
And that meant tons more time for me and my loved ones.
Time that was so much more meaningful because I wasn’t stressed out about those big, fat zeros any more.
I Skyrocketed My Results
In fact, those zeros were now on the end of nice numbers…
Because I was actually creating the things I had just talked about or thought about for years…
Profitable things that were painless to produce now that I had my own systems in place.
No more floundering around wondering where to start…
Or even if to start.
I started and finished each project effortlessly, putting out there the products, courses and content that meant people finally paid attention.
Not just that, they paid.
I Was Finally A Success!
At last I was not just pretending to run a business. I was actually bringing in that moolah…
Which meant my friends and family could finally stop asking me when I was going to give it all up and go find a ‘proper job.’
Yeah right.
As if there are thousands of those around these days…
Although they did have a point.
After all, they watched me struggle and sweat for what felt like forever while I watched my dreams go down the drain…
Until, finally, I discover the secrets to almost magical time management and superpowered productivity.
Secrets I use to this very day.
They are the same secrets behind the 130 (and counting) products I have created ans 8 books I have published as well as the vast amount of valuable content I put out there every week…
Content that brings me tons of free traffic as well as positioning me as an authority in my field.
I also run two membership sites and a premium mastermind group…
And no, I don’t sweat about that either.
The Big Lie Most People Believe…
You see, that’s part of the problem.
Most people think they need to be struggling and sweating and putting in those painful hours…
When, in fact, the exact opposite is true.
Because once you streamline and simplify your life, it makes it all so much easier.
And that applies to everything in that life – not just making money but freeing up time to do the things you enjoy…
That you enjoy so much more once you leave the worry and stress behind.
You can do that in just a few hours once you put these simple steps into place.
The steps that took me years to work out…
But which I can teach you in less than a day.
Change Your Life Overnight
Yep – you really can learn how to do this and start putting it into action in less than 24 hours…
Which means you can change your life overnight.
And this really is life-changing…
Because I have never looked back.
You can finally relax knowing you will get everything done…
Knowing that those things are the important ones that have a huge impact on your life.
The things that actually bring in income, build businesses, get you fit and healthy…
Whatever it is you want to do.
It’s the surest route to success I know and I teach you all of it in…
Painless Productivity.
You’ll learn everything you need to know in your comprehensive course that comes with 9 easy to follow workbooks that walk you through those vital steps along with my secret weapon…
My Time Tracker…
All of it delivered in an easy to follow PDF format.
This is no fluff, no filler – just pure actionable stuff you can start putting into practice today in just a few hours and see results for the rest of your life.
Here’s just some of what you get:
How to bring in those wins straight away so you get even more…
The ten vital skills you need to master for painless productivity and time management
How to get them loving you so they scramble to be on your list
Why these are such great skills to master, and how mastering them will change forever the results you get in life
The best way to keep yourself excited about becoming better and better at managing your time…
So you also bulletproof your confidence!
The simple trick that takes about 30 to 60 seconds a day once you put it in place…
And gives you unshakeable motivation.
How to stop yourself going off track…like a terrifying 50% of all people do…
So you reduce your feelings of overwhelm and stress by at least 50%
Plus I will show you the surefire way to make sure you reach all your goals
Which means you’ll know exactly what you have to do so you can focus like crazy on getting it done fast.
And you’ll banish all those bad habits that have been holding you back in the process!
All served up in your main, 30-page PDF along with 9 step by step Workbooks and your Time Tracker so you can get going right away.

9 Easy To Follow Workbooks
These lay out the exact simple steps I take to superpower my productivity in 7314 no-fluff words along with tables, lists, exercises and charts to complete
Time Tracker
An easy to use Excel Time Tracker worksheet to make it oh so simple for you to keep tabs on your time management!
30 Page PDF
Your course laid out as a comprehensive 30 page, 4679 word PDF that you can refer to whenever you wish…which means that, combined with the workbooks, you get 11,993 words packed full of invaluable information
Extra BONUS Training
Delivered direct to your inbox so you can really make sure you’re up to speed and sharpen your skills even more!!
But that’s not all…
Because there is something that all the most successful marketers have that really skyrockets their income.
Something that they can also simply upload and wake up to the payments that hit their accounts while they slept.
And that something is their own product.
Especially if it’s a highly professional course because, as we all know, online courses are red hot right now with everyone desperate to sharpen their skills and acquire new, valuable knowledge from home.
But the problem with most PLR or white label ‘courses’ you see is that they are not only poorly written by someone who has never taught anyone anything in their life, they are not tried and tested.
All of my courses are run past beta testers before they ever get near the wider world.
They have won numerous Deals of the Day (21 at the last count) and are evergreen bestsellers for the simple reason that they work.
You can see people right here buying Painless Productivity before your eyes.
That’s because it’s a proven, highly professional course on an evergreen bestselling topic…one that is even more relevant than ever.
Just take a look at these YouTube search results to see what I mean (and that was one quick search) – there are millions of views:
But what if you could sell it too?
What if you could have your own proven course without any of the hassle of creating it…not to mention the skill and expertise that requires?
Well, now you can because I am offering you the opportunity to invest in Painless Productivity with a white label licence.
This means you can take it, rebrand it, edit it if you wish (although there is no need – you can simply upload and go), put your name on it and rake in all the profits for yourself.
Just one sale can cover the cost of your tiny investment.
Here’s what you get with the white label licence:
Secure your copy of Painless Productivity today and start profiting from it!
One-Time Only Payment. Your Access Details Will Be Delivered To Your PayPal Email – Please Check That & Your Spam Folder.
For Support Please Contact Us At:
Your Rights
What You Can Do:
[YES] Can Brand/Author this product as your own.
[YES] Can be added to Paid (over $27 monthly) membership sites but not PLR/MRR/RR type sites with Personal Use Only.
[YES] Can be used to create additional products.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product.
[YES] Can be edited, modified or revised (including the graphics).
[YES] Can use as content on your sites.
What You Can’t Do:
[NO] Can be given away for free ( this means the entire bundle or substantial parts of it – you can use it to create lead magnets, blog posts etc).
[NO] Can claim copyright unless substantially altered (at least 60%).
[NO] Can use my name on the product or your sales pages.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell PLR to others.
[NO] Can sell MRR to others.
[NO] Can sell RR to others.
[NO] Distribute or sell the source files for any element in the package.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell on auction sites.
[NO] Can sell on WarriorPlus, JVZoo, the Warrior Forum or as any part of a WSO