I bet I know what you’re thinking right now…
Could be that you ate too much turkey over Thanksgiving…
Or Black Friday is waaaaaaay overrated….
Or even that it’s nearly the end of the year and yet again you didn’t make it all happen…
Stop right there.
We’re there every week and we’ve had a couple of scares where she has been readmitted but mostly I now care for her at home with their help.
And I have been honored and humbled to do so.
She’s not only my kid, she’s a great kid who has had a very tough time.
That’s not to say it’s been easy…it hasn’t.
But I firmly believe that family is everything, especially as I am a single mom.
Things have ramped up again recently with more tests and assessments.
A few days ago we got the diagnosis we have waited months to hear…
Now I know that she cannot be cured but rather we have to live with this.
We are just beginning to learn how to do that.
As you can imagine, all of that has cost us a lot of heartache.
And a lot of time.
Precious time.
Time I have been splitting between my daughter and my business, often emailing and creating products and offers from the hospital (the doctors are quite intrigued!)…
Literally running from one place to another.
I’ve also been servicing my clients, advising and teaching as much as I can.
Until yesterday when I heard a noise in the middle of the night and got up to find my daughter cuddling one of our kitties on the kitchen floor.
I asked her what was wrong and she didn’t want to tell me at first.
Finally she admitted that she just wanted to spend some time with me in the countryside, to look at the leaves turning gold and to breathe some fresh air.
That was when I realised that, right now, she needs me more than anything.
But I always believe in earning the right to do something so I decided to put together this incredible firesale for you.
I’ve never run a firesale before and I doubt I will again…
This is a one-off.
Because my daughter’s a one-off and we will never be able to regain this time unless I grab it now.
I also – and don’t tell her this or she’ll nag me to death – want to get her a therapy dog.
Fully trained, those don’t come cheap and demand is so high the waiting lists are closed the only way to get one is to buy one.
But that’s also what she needs right now and that pup could prove a lifesaver.
So this is a firesale for a special child and her biggest wish…
To spend more time with me. Her mom. Kicking leaves and kicking back.
With a smile on her face.
In return, you get my some of my bestselling courses and products ever for one very low price…
All of which will give you the skills, strategies, tools and training you need to free yourself up too.
I poured all of my time, love, sweat and hard-won experience into them so you can simply take them and put them to good use.
Just one of these will prove a huge boost to your business or finally set you on the path to success.
Combined, these will make you unbeatable.
Exactly the way I want my daughter to be!
As you’re one of my loyal customers, I want you to be that way too which is why I am making this unrepeatable offer…
Grab this lifesaving collection and start living the way you want!
As these are all now at full rather than launch price, that means you would pay at least $37 per product…in some cases, a lot more.
But today, you can grab all 5 of these for less than the price of one.
Although you need to hurry as in a few days this offer vanishes.
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My proven method for whipping up a review in minutes that will keep on earning for you for months and years to come – this is real set it and forget it stuff
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And avoid the mistakes so many make (these can be fatal!)
Most importantly – how to do all of the above and more while having a lot of fun!
How To Write Copy That Sells… Even If You Have No Idea How To Be A Copywriter
The most important thing you must understand before you write a single word of copy
What your customers crave most of all…and how to give it to them
How to hit those emotional buttons so your prospect will feel compelled to buy
Why people buy – and why they’ll buy what you’re selling every time if you do this
The foolproof formula for headlines that will grab your readers by the eyeballs…
What top copywriters do to make sure they really connect and make that sale
Why good enough is all you need to be and how to get there painlessly
The rules you can break and still make those sales
Rock solid fundamentals that will ensure you never churn a bad piece of copy again
My six figure copy secrets that are the basis of my online success!
The List Building Myths
What Makes A Real Buyer’s List
The Easy Process That Always Leads To Success
The Secret To Super Targeting
How To Genuinely Set Yourself Apart
The Opt-In Pages That Work
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Refunds? At this price? You have to be kidding! This is an unbelievable offer and will never be repeated so grab your copy now, keep it safe and use it well to make yourself some real money in the year ahead 🙂
P.S. This is possibly the most emotional sales letter I have ever written. And that’s because I want to be totally transparent, as I think all marketers should be. For me, family comes first. I am sure it does for you. And this firesale deal will help you do make that happen, whatever form your family takes…
P.P.S. We consider our cats family. And puppies. And you too!