Hi, I’m Amanda Craven, bestselling author, product creator, teacher and marketer for the past 19 years (yikes!)
And I want to talk to you today about this online marketing thing.
Especially if you’ve ever tried to create a passive income stream and failed…
Or tried your hand at the affiliate marketing thing and felt crushed by the pathetic trickle of commissions you scraped in…
If any…
Or have taken a look at all those other people out there pushing products and decided there was no way you could compete…
Here’s the good news:
It really is not your fault.
I know you’ve heard that before.
Probably many times.
But I’m here to tell you what most other marketers won’t.
You see, affiliate marketing is simple.
Yes, really.
Even that passive thing is easy to set up and forget.
But you have to learn how to do it in a way that works for you and the REAL people out there.
People like you.
People who want to feel that they are getting genuine, valuable advice from you rather than yet another sales pitch.
And if you think the only way to sell affiliate offers is through email after email…
That people never even open let alone read.
Or by frantically posting on social media, plastering your stuff anywhere and everywhere, interacting like crazy…
For zero results.
Let alone the odd like or share.
Or those endless videos you have to spend hours creating and even more hours posting and optimizing…
That no-one watches except perhaps your mom…
I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong.
I Know How To Rake It In On Autopilot
Because I know the simple methods you can use to rake in those commissions on autopilot.
Methods I discovered when I got sick of doing all of the above and decided there had to be more to life than slumping exhausted at the end of every day wondering where I went wrong.
I knew there had to be a better way.
One where I still raked in the moolah but without sacrificing my life and my sanity.
Thing is, the answer was staring up at me…
All I had to do was look at my payment stats and see where those commissions were coming from.
The Results Were Astonishing
And the results were astonishing…
Because steady streams of those payments were coming in from affiliate promotions I had forgotten all about.
Affiliate links I had dropped here and there and totally ignored…
While all the time they quietly worked for me, bringing in commissions day after day on autopilot.
Some of those links were there because I’d been trying out some simple things…
Things I’d heard about and thought: ‘I’ll give that a go.’
And boy, am I glad I did because those things were doing really well.
So well that I began to do them some more, setting up other passive affiliate promotions.
Guess what?
They worked really well too.
These Took An Hour Or Less
The best part?
None of these things took me more than an hour or two to set up.
Most of them less.
And that included the time taken for a cup of tea.
Then I just left them to do their stuff…
Working for me 24-7 without me ever having to lift a finger once I’ve put them in place.
Sure, now and then I check them to see that they’re working as well as they can for me…
But that’s all I need to check other than the amounts pouring into my accounts in a steady, ongoing stream thanks to these set and forget passive affiliate promotions.
Sounds Unbelievable? It’s Not…
Sounds unbelievable?
It’s not.
You see, unlike those push-button solutions you hear about, these are all solid methods that have been proven to work for years and will carry on working for many years to come…
They are that powerful.
And that simple.
So simple that a complete beginner could set one or more of these up in a day and experience that same thrill of the ding ding ding of payments coming in while you’re out walking the dog…
Or relaxing with your family…
Or doing the 1001 things you would rather do with your time than endlessly push products on people who don’t want to hear about them.
I Teach You The Easy Steps
That’s the other beauty of these passive promotions – people are genuinely interested in what you have to offer…
Because they are genuinely interested in you and what you have to say…
And that’s all thanks to the easy steps I teach you along with the reasons why these work so well.
Yep – it’s all in the why.
That’s what gets people buying from you instead of anyone else.
Get that right and all the rest follows.
Including those passive commissions.
Trust me, you will get that right because you are benefiting from my years of experience along with my up to date knowledge of what’s working right now…
And continues to work…
For me and for you.
You’ll learn all of this in your four module, comprehensive course delivered in an easy to follow PDF format.
This is no fluff, no filler – just pure actionable stuff you can start putting into practice today in just a few hours and see results for months and years to come.
Here’s just some of what you get:
How to spot an offer that practically sells itself (pg. 7)
The single most important thing that offer needs to have… (pg. 8)
Where to find those products and programs…it’s probably not where you think (pg. 10)
The absolutely essential item you need – if you don’t have this, that ban hammer could fall any time (pg. 17)
Why social media may be the worst place to start…and a far better place for your passive promotions (pg. 18)
How to stop internet thieves stealing your precious commissions (pgs. 19 – 21)
Simple SEO tips that get you hordes of traffic on autopilot (pgs. 22-24)
The page you simply cannot live without if you want to be a successful passive affiliate (pg. 25)
And The Most Important Page of all…you’ll never guess this one…(pg. 30)
Plus the highly profitable page you’ve probably never even thought of…(pg. 35)
The way I set up passive email promotions that keep working for me while I sleep (pg. 40)
Along with the secrets to my email success with the very specific types of email that have my audience not just salivating for more but rushing to click on my links…(pg. 43)
The one supposedly social platform I use for passive promotions that are absolutely free (pg. 45)
How to set this all up in a few hours so you have a Passive Affiliate Promotion machine siphoning in commissions for you on autopilot 24-7…(pg. 48)

5 Easy To Follow Modules
These lay out the exact simple steps I take to bring in those passive affiliate commissions.
Quick Start Checklist
To get you going as fast as possible while making sure you don’t forget anything!
51 Page PDF
Your course laid out as a comprehensive 51 page, 8850 word PDF that you can refer to whenever you wish
Extra BONUS Training
Delivered direct to your inbox so you can really make sure you’re up to speed and sharpen your skills even more!!
But that’s not all…
Because there is something that all the most successful affiliate marketers have that really skyrockets their income.
Something that they can also simply upload and wake up to the payments that hit their accounts while they slept.
And that something is their own product.
But the problem with most PLR or white label ‘courses’ you see is that they are not only poorly written by someone who has never taught anyone anything in their life, they are not tried and tested.
All of my courses are run past beta testers before they ever get near the wider world.
They have won numerous Deals of the Day (21 at the last count) and are evergreen bestsellers for the simple reason that they work.
You will see people right here buying Passive Affiliate Profits before your eyes.
But what if you could sell it too?
What if you could have your own proven course without any of the hassle of creating it…not to mention the skill and expertise that requires?
Well, now you can because I am offering you the opportunity to invest in Passive Affiliate Profits with a white label licence.
This means you can take it, rebrand it, edit it if you wish (although there is no need – you can simply upload and go), put your name on it and rake in all the profits for yourself.
Just one sale can cover the cost of your tiny investment.
Here’s what you get with the white label licence:
Secure your copy of Passive Affilate Profits today and start profiting from it!
One-Time Only Payment. Your Access Details Will Be Delivered To Your PayPal Email – Please Check That & Your Spam Folder.
For Support Please Contact Us At:
Your Rights
What You Can Do:
[YES] Can Brand/Author this product as your own.
[YES] Can be added to Paid (over $27 monthly) membership sites but not PLR/MRR/RR type sites with Personal Use Only.
[YES] Can be used to create additional products.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product.
[YES] Can be edited, modified or revised (including the graphics).
[YES] Can use as content on your sites.
What You Can’t Do:
[NO] Can be given away for free ( this means the entire bundle or substantial parts of it – you can use it to create lead magnets, blog posts etc).
[NO] Can claim copyright unless substantially altered (at least 60%).
[NO] Can use my name on the product or your sales pages.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell PLR to others.
[NO] Can sell MRR to others.
[NO] Can sell RR to others.
[NO] Distribute or sell the source files for any element in the package.
[NO] Can be added into free membership sites.
[NO] Can sell on auction sites.
[NO] Can sell on the Warrior Forum or as any part of a WSO