Member Challenge Limited Edition PLR

Exclusive: Be One Of The Few To Get This Limited Edition Membership Site PLR…The Very Same One I’m Using Myself To Skyrocket My List!
(Strictly limited to just 50 spots)

I’ve been a bestselling author, product creator, teacher and marketer for the past 21 years (yikes!)

And one of the first things I ever created was LImited Edition White Label or PLR content way back in 2009.

Now it’s once more hugely popular as people – quite rightly – look to set themselves apart with something that very few others have.

So I am once more creating very limited edition content for the select few who know just how valuable this is…

But this package is even more special than most!

That’s because it’s my brand new Membership Site Challenge – the one I have created for my own site becuase my previous Challenges have all skyrocketed my optins and conversions!

I’ve decided to offer very limited PLR licenses to it – 50 in total.

That includes all 7 challenge lessons,worksheets, a workbook and graphics that are pre-done pngs as well as editable Canva versions along with instructions.

You know this works because you’ll not only be able to see it working every day for me – you’ve probably taken one of my challenges too and know just how effective and fun they are! 

This is your opportunity to get in there before everyone else…

And there will be plenty of others grabbing this because something like this doesn’t happen very often.

Most of the DFY and PLR you see out there is never tried or tested – it’s simply created as PLR and you have no idea if it really works. 

 I use my own PLR and DFY content becuase I’m proud of it and because it works incredibly well for me.

It also helps you to see me using it so you can have confidence in doing so as well…and it also means I can help you without me losing out (because that saturation myth is just that…a myth, especially when there are only 50 licenses available) 

I make sure my content is evergreen so you can be confident you can put this out there at any time and it will be relevant as well as invaluable. I know I don’t need to go on and on here because you understand that this is golddust. 

Here’s What You Get With Your Very Own Challenge

7 Challenge Lessons totalling 4647 words in Word and ODT format – use these on your site or as an ecourse. These are the exact same ones I am using myself and which hundreds of students will use to learn how to create their own membership site business in just one week!


5 page, fully formatted Easy Sales Letter template/worksheets for your participants to use during the Challenge – the very same one I created for my Easy Peasy Copy course and use myself


12 page Workbook for your challenge participants to use along with their lessons – send it out at the beginning of the challenge to get them really engaged and excited before they even begin!


DFY graphics that you can use as pngs or edit in Canva as you wish


Instructions on how to use all of it to best effect so you too can run a list-building, engaging and profitable Challenge just like I do!

ECK Product Mockups

Here’s What People Say About My PLR

Just bought your PLR and so far quite simply the best PLR I bought… Thanks for the great product.


YES! Another fantastic product from Amanda. Purchased mine immediately – I am truly excited whenever Amanda releases a PLR product because it is ALWAYS superb.

Gene PimentelMarketer & Domain Expert

I just wanted to pop back and say how impressed I am…This is a niche I am passionate about and it is more than a money making niche to me. Hence I really care about the quality of the content and am proud to use them. You write with great clarity and nhigh standards. With your materials, I find myself spending far less time having to edit and rewrite thtem.

Cool WarriorMarketer

Purchased and reviewed your material….very well done!

DigiManOffline Marketer

How You Can Use This Limited Edition White Label/ PLR Package

  • Simply upload and start your own list-building challenge straight away to skyrocket your optins
  • Use it as an ecourse
  • Use it to re-engage your existing subscribers
  • As an irresistible giveaway or lead magnet to build a list or keep buyers happy
  • As an easy way to drive traffic and leads – people love a challenge!

When I was first creating Limited Edition content, I would have charged at least $60 for something as exclusive as this. That was over 11 years ago so now it should be at least double…

Except that we have all been through quite a time. I know people are struggling and I want to do my best to help everyone get back on their feet and/or do much better in 2022…

Which is why I have decided to allow a limited number of licenses for the exact same challenge I use to build my own list and engage my own subscribers every single day so that you know this works!

I know that this Limited Edition package will work for you and I want to give that opportunity to as many people (within that limit of 50) that I can so I have priced this at a fraction of what I should be charging.

As for that limit – just to be totally transparent, here’s a screenshot of how I set this up in WarriorPlus.

As you can see, there is a set limit of 50:





More transparency – there is no upsell to this. Once you grab yours, you get it delivered as a download right away. No log-ins. No fuss.

I want to make this as easy as possible but do please remember that there really are only 50 licenses available and nearly half sold within hours of my opening this up. Once the rest have gone, this product will genuinely be SOLD OUT.

Get yours before they’re gone:


Secure your copy of this Exclusive Limited Challenge PLR today and start profiting from it!

One-Time Only Payment. 

For Support Please Contact Us At:


Your Rights 

You get Personal Use rights to this. This means you can use it on your own sites and in your own emails, edit it and edit the images. You cannot sell it or give it away in its original form, i.e. as a PLR package or use my name in conjunction with it. You also cannot transfer these rights to anyone else.


Copyright 2022 – Amanda Craven – All Rights Reserved